Outdoor Iceskating in the DC Area This Winter

Outdoor iceskating in the DC area has become very popular over the last few years. From Reston Town Center to the National Mall by the American History museum, you have lots of choices. No skates? No problem. Many of these locations will rent you skates for a small fee. The Sculpture Garden Ice Rink -Best … Continued

5 Tips for Carving A Pumpkin

Celebrate Halloween at the Montgomery County Libraries

Tips for carving a pumpkin might not seem necessary – but you would be surprised how much better your pumpkin can look with these suggestions. Just remember, a jack-o-lantern is a pumpkin that has a design carved into it. Some people use pumpkin carving templates to design their pumpkins, while others decide to free-hand it and draw their own designs. There are so many pumpkin decorating ideas out there, and these pumpkin carving hacks will help you bring them to life.

Which Witch Movie Is Your Fav?

Which witch movie is the best to watch in October? Here are some which might strike your fancy – so get your popcorn and your familiar – (in my house it is a black standard poodle rather than a black cat!) and curl up with a good movie! It must be the season of the witch!

Best Pumpkin Patches In Montgomery County

Celebrate Halloween at the Montgomery County Libraries

The best pumpkin patches in Montgomery County are listed here for you to choose from! Fall is here – and Halloween will be here very soon! Fall means pumpkins for pies and jack-o-lanterns and general decorations!! Here are some of the best pumpkin patches in Montgomery County MD to go for that perfect pumpkin! Montgomery County is just north of Washington DC, so whether you live in DC or Montgomery County, these are definitely the places you want to visit!