What you don’t know can cost you time and money when it comes to selling your house. The best source of information is your real estate agent, and we’ve put together a growing list of helpful resources about the home selling process. When you’re ready, call The Lise Howe Group at 240-401-5577 to discuss how we can help sell your house.

How much is my home worth?

4 Biggest Mistakes Sellers Are Making Now

4 biggest mistakes sellers make

The 4 biggest mistakes sellers are making now range from a failure to make repairs to overpricing. The spring market is about to start and if you want to sell your home this year, then you should avoid these mistakes which will cost you time on the market and put less money in your pocket! If you want to sell your house, having the right strategies and expectations is key. But some sellers haven’t adjusted to where the market is today. They’re not factoring in that there are more homes for sale or that buyers are being more selective with their budgets. And those sellers are making some costly mistakes.

Here’s a quick rundown of the 4 most common missteps sellers are making, and how partnering with an expert agent can help you avoid every single one of them.

Downsizing Step 1


Downsizing is a very big step but in fact it is many steps rolled into one that you have to take to get from here to there – and lots of questions that have to be asked and answered. The first question is – where is “there?” Where do you want to when you downsize? Remember the conversation between the Cheshire Cat and Alice? She asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?” The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?” You have to know where you are going to know how to start.

Showing Your Home in Winter | Bethesda MD

Showing Your Home in Winter

Showing your home in winter months can present unique challenges, but it also offers incredible opportunities. With fewer properties on the market and serious buyers braving this exceptional cold in Bethesda MD and beyond to the entire DC metro area, winter showings can lead to successful sales. The key is making your home feel warm, inviting, and appealing despite the chilly weather outside. Here are some expert strategies to showcase your home at its best during the winter season:

Best Paint Colors to Add Value to Your Home

Best Paint Colors to add value to your home

The best paint colors to add value to your home probably won’t surprise you. Research says stay away from red and yellow kitchens. Go with a soft blue for bathrooms. If you are thinking of selling, you might want to change some room colors to add value to your home’s resale price!

6 Home Improvements to Add Value in Bethesda MD

These 6 home improvements will add value to your home in Bethesda MD! From 2021 to 2023, the average ROI on remodeling projects saw a decline from 63.4% in 2021 to 60.5% in 2023. Hopefully, the 75% average ROI in 2024 suggests that homeowners will be rewarded again as they remodel or upgrade and then sell. Of course, not all home renovations are created equal – to twist a phrase from our founding fathers. If you are thinking of upgrading your home, where should you spend your money?

Seller Paid Commissions in Real Estate – Gone!

When Seller Paid Commissions are gone

Seller paid commissions in real estate are disappearing as of August 17, 2024 as a result of the recent NAR settlement. It will be confusing for a while but then buyers, sellers and Realtors will get used to the new rules.

Gen Z Must Haves

Gen Z Must Haves

Gen Z Must Haves may be more simple than you would expect. This is not the avocado toast generation. Instead, the oldest came of age during the Great Recession in the late 2000s, and many saw their families struggle. And as these younger folks are just getting started professionally, they typically earn less than their millennial and Gen X peers.

Best Time to Sell a Home

March 2024 Market Report

The best time to sell a home can change from market to market. What works in New York or Boston is different than here in the DC area. It is affected by the weather, when plants bloom and spring vacation – to name a few variables.