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Prepare Your Home for Winter | Bethesda MD | Lise Howe Group

Prepare your home for winter

Prepare your home for winter so that you can weather the cold in comfort! The change in seasons signals not only the time to break out comfort food recipes and recover from the holidays but also the time to tackle some household to-dos. With colder temperatures and winter storms on the horizon, it’s worth going through the checklist of steps you can take to winterize your home—in terms of both the physical structure and lifestyle amenities.

To protect your home from frozen pipes and power outages—and to ensure you’re never without hot chocolate or hearty stews—here’s what you can do to prepare your house for the winter months.

Christmas Lights Displays Near Bethesda MD

The best Christmas Lights Displays near Bethesda MD and Washington DC are easy to enjoy – many from the comfort of your car – and much safer than stringing lights on your roof like Clark Griswald in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

Organic Turkey for Thanksgiving!

Organic Turkey

Organic turkey is available at the local Whole Foods or you can buy direct from the farm. Choosing an organic turkey for Thanksgiving often appeals to those looking for a bird raised with fewer chemicals, better animal welfare practices, and an improved taste.

Thanksgiving Weekend – Things to Do

Thanksgiving weekend is coming soon – and you may be hosting family and friends in the Washington area. Here are some fun things to do with your family and houseguests!

Best Bethesda Bagel Shop

Best Bethesda Bagel Shop? That depends on how you like your bagel! Bethesda Bagels, Georgetown Bagel and Call Your Mother are always in contention for the best of Bethesda’s bagels.

Keep Your Pet Safe on July 4th in Washington DC

Keep your pet safe on July 4th

Keep your pet safe on July 4th in Washington DC by following these suggestions. Fireworks, barbecues and activities with friends are all staples of the Fourth of July. But for pets and their owners, this holiday which is celebrated all around the Beltway may present some added stress. For some pets, especially dogs and cats with particularly noise-sensitive ears, the sound of fireworks can cause intense fear responses. Some pets will go to extremes to hide while others get startled and run away. Regardless, general anxiety caused by unexpected loud sounds can have long-lasting effects on animals. If you know me at all, you know that I love my standard poodle, Captain, and I worry about all the other dogs and cats out there.

Montgomery County Farmers Markets

Dupont Circle Farmers Markets

Montgomery County Farmers Markets offer a wonderful way to eat locally grown seasonal produce. You can find a variety of markets throughout the county from Bethesda to Olney and lots in between. Each market has a slightly different character and unique vendors but each has great food and is worth the visit. Check them out!

Native Plants for the DMV

Native Plants for the DMV

Native plants for the DMV should be embraced by home gardeners! Mid-Atlantic native plants and flowers have grown in this area for thousands of years, including through droughts, storms, blizzards and our very definite heat waves. These plants’ DNA is made to thrive in your yard with minimal care.

Small Museums in Montgomery County MD

Small museums in Montgomery County range from the historical to the interactive to the just plain fun. You can choose from a historic home, a trolley museum, or even a museum dedicated to cows! There are lots of small museums to choose from.

Fall Bucket List

Fall Bucket List

Need some new ideas for your fall bucket list this year? You’re at the right place! Here are ten suggetions to add to your fall bucket list from a pumpkin feast to a trip to Longwood Gardens.