Bob Woodward’s Former Condo for Sale

Bob Woodward is Selling His Apartment

Bob Woodward’s former condo is for sale – the one with the balcony he used to send messages to Deep Throat. The 450 square foot condo is for sale for $395,000 at 1718 P St NW in the Webster House.

Curbio is Being Sued

Curbio is being sued

Curbio is being sued by the DC attorney general who is alleging “scheme of deception, intimidation and fraud.” Curbio provides pre-sale home renovations in 55 different markets, while charging zero fees upfront. The benefit to the seller is obvious. The property is market ready at no expense to the seller, which will hopefully result in a higher price sale. The seller is required to list the home within a certain number of days after the work is completed.

Native Plants for the DMV

Native Plants for the DMV

Native plants for the DMV should be embraced by home gardeners! Mid-Atlantic native plants and flowers have grown in this area for thousands of years, including through droughts, storms, blizzards and our very definite heat waves. These plants’ DNA is made to thrive in your yard with minimal care.

Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Spring cleaning your closet

Spring cleaning your closet is one of those things we all aspire to do Pull all the clothes out and only put back what you know you will use. That sounds good in principle but what do you do with the piles of clothes that are left on your bed and the heaps of discards blocking the door? Do national donation centers really need every sweater? Do “recycling” programs at local shops actually benefit anyone? And what about the truly worn-out garments that nobody wants?

Best Irish Pubs in the DC Area

Best Irish Pubs in the DC area

The best Irish Pubs in the DC area are getting ready for you to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17! Are you ready to party? Green beer and corned beef and cabbage! Today, St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated throughout the United States with parades, parties, festivals, and cultural events. It has become a day not only to honor Ireland’s patron saint but also to celebrate Irish culture and heritage in general, regardless of one’s ancestry. Here are some popular Irish pubs in the DC area known for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day:

Homes for Sale in Bethesda – Prices

homes for sale in Bethesda

Price of homes for sale in Bethesda was up last year on average by 6.09% even though the number of homes sold was less due to the very limited inventory. In addition the average price of attached properties (condos and townhomes) was up an eye popping 21.45%, definitely surpassing the average price increase for detached properties – 2.75%.

Decluttering is Important!

Decluttering is important in the sale of your home. You want to present the best image of your home to prospective buyers. You also want to get rid of the extraneous things that you don’t want to move to your new home. Whether you are upsizing or downsizing, it is a good time to take a hard look at the extra things in your home and decide what has outlived its usefulness.

Water View Homes Around DC

Water view homes are charming all year round! Winter time seems to last forever in January – but I promise that the warm weather will be here soon. You will start dreaming of walking along the beach or sailing on the Chesapeake Bay. Maybe you just want to sip your morning coffee while you are looking at the Potomac River. There are lots of water view homes in the DC area!

Pines of Rome – a Bethesda Institution

Pines of Rome

The Pines of Rome was always my uncle’s favorite Italian restaurant in Bethesda. We used to meet there with him and his sons to celebrate big occasions like birthdays. The food is classic old school Italian cuisine that we all grew up with before Italian food became upscale in this country. If you want spaghetti with meatballs on a red and white checked tablecloth like Disney’s Lady and the Tramp, the Pines of Rome is the place for you!

Georgetown Luxury Penthouses for Sale

Georgetown luxury penthouses looking over the Potomac River and all the city’s monumnets are very special and make a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your sweetheart. What better romantic setting to enjoy for years and years to come! I personally love the idea of a romantic dinner on a rooftop terrace that comes with a penthouse condo or coop! Imagine sipping a great glass of champagne and eating a delicious chocolate dessert while admiring the city of Washington spread out at your feet!