Apple Picking around DC is easier than you think. There are a number of farms and orchards that allow you to pick your own Golden Delicious, Idareds, Wolf Rivers and more. Some even offer wine and live music on the weekends while other sell other vegetables and beef. Clearly you have lots of choices in both Vriginia and Maryland.
Baugher’s Orchard
Distance from DC: About 70 miles.
Hours: 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturday and Sunday in September, 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturday and Sunday in October.
Apples: $13 for a half peck, $25 for a peck, $50 for a half bushel.
What else: Pair apple picking with a visit to the petting zoo’s donkeys, chickens, and goats. Plan to leave the backpacks and strollers at the visitor area: They aren’t allowed in the orchard.
Drving to Baugher’s Orchard at 1015 Baugher Road in Westminster reminds me of what a beautiful state Maryland is. This part of Maryland is gentle rolling hills and lots of gorgeous farmland that makes me dream of retiring to a goat farm. (I have a past client who raises goats in Poolesville and vegetables for sale so if you want more information about that farm, just ask me.)
Right now you can pick Galas, several varieties of Fuji and Macintosh apples in addition to sunflowers. Baugher’s Orchard also has a bakery, market, restaurant and picnic areas besides the apple picking and petting zoo.
Catoctin Mountain Orchard
Distance from DC: About 60 miles.
Hours: 10 AM to 3 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
Apples: $13 for a half peck, $23 for a peck, $32 for a half bushel.
Bring your own bag and pay the $3-per-person entry fee before heading into the trees for fall apples. Sales are cash only but there is an ATM on site. There’s also a produce market and a bakery stocked with apple treats. Catoctin Mountain Orchard has an extensive collection of apples to pick – some of which I have never tasted. Doesn’t the opportunity to pick a Honey Mountain, a Crunch-A-Bunch or a Rosalee make you want to head for Thurmont? My mother in law was Rosalie, so I think I have to bring some Rosalee apples home for my husband. This orchard is at 15036 North Franklinville Rd in Thurmont – another beautiful drive.
Gaver Farm
Distance from DC: About 40 miles.
Hours: 10 AM to 6 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
Apples: $25 for a peck, $40 for a half bushel.
What else: The Gaver Farm in Mount Airy turns apple picking into a full day of autumnal activities. You can visit the pumpkin patch, catch a hayride, or nosh on an apple cider donut. The farm is also home to pedal karts, jump pillows, a 7-acre corn maze, and a mini version for kids ($13.50 per person on weekdays, $18.75 on September weekends, $21 on October weekends, children under two for free).
Gaver Farm also has 60 acres of cut your own Christmas trees and fresh cut trees that hey will wrap and put on your car. Gaver is at 5501 Detrick Road in Mount Airy, a charming little town worth a visit too.
Hollin Farm in Delaplane VA
Distance from DC: About 60 miles.
Hours: Hours and days change weekly, check before you go.
Apples: $25 per peck.
What else: Don’t worry about bringing bags and baskets: Containers are provided, and large bags or purses are not allowed. In addition to apples, visitors can also pick their own Asian pears ($25 per peck) and dig potatoes ($1.50 per pound). Hollins Farm also sells seasonal vegetables like kale and mustard greens. Their apple list is interesting too. Have you ever had a Wolf River, an Idared or a Fireside apple? Hollins Farm is located at 1524 Snowden Road in Delaplane.
Hollin Farms also sells farm raised, antibiotic free beef. The farm was started by the late Robert C. Davenport in the early 1950s. The farm is named after Hollin Hills, an award-winning community of modern houses that he developed in Fairfax County in the 1950s and 60s. At Hollin he focused on performance testing bulls, and over 50 years developed an outstanding purebred Angus herd, selling bulls to mainly commercial cattle operations. He was awarded the Virginia Cattleman of the Year award for his efforts at improving beef cattle in Virginia.
Stribling Orchard in Markham Virginia
Distance from DC: About 60 miles.
Hours: 9 AM to 5 PM on Wednesday through Sunday.
Apples: $2 per pound, $20 for a peck.
What else: This family-run orchard features 23 types of apples like Nittany, Lodi and Rambo to pick throughout the season. There are plenty of picnic spots, and weekend visitors can sip Virginia wines and ciders while listening to live music. Stibling Orchard is located at 11587 Poverty Hollow Lane in Markham, VA. You have to love Stribling – it has one of the lowest prices for a peck of apples and you can sip some wine or cider after all your hard work and even listen to live music. There is even some fascinating history to learn while you are there. Construction of the main house, “Mountain View”, began in the mid 1700’s as a one room, two and a half story structure. The property was part of the 1733 Charles Burgess land grant. The first lease was granted to William Marshall, uncle of Chief Justice John Marshall, in 1765. In compliance with the lease agreement, the first 100 apple trees were planted on the site. That sounds like a spectacular way to spend a day in the country!
Hartland Farm in Markham Virginia
Distance from DC: About 60 miles.
Hours: 9 AM to 2 PM daily.
Apples: $20 for a half bushel.
What else: Hartland Orchard lets you embrace fall vibes near the Blue Ridge Mountains and pluck different types of apples throughout the season. Pumpkin picking is also available at the Virginia spot, as well as cider and honey from the orchard. It’s nice that Hartland Farm and Stribling Orchard are so close. If you arrive at one and think it might be too crowded or you don’t like the apples available for picking that day, you can change your plans and head over to the other farm.
Homestead Farm in Poolesville
Distance from DC: About 30 miles.
Hours: 9 AM to 5 PM daily.
Apples: $2.19 per pound.
What else: Entry to this Maryland farm at 15604 Sugarland Road in Poolesville costs $3 per person and includes access to pick-your-own apples and pumpkins, as well as face time with the animals. If you’re looking to bring home more than apples, the market also offers honey, flowers, and cider. I feel like nearly every child I have ever known has gone to Homestead Farm to pick apples or pumpkins as part of a school trip. Earlier in the season, Homestead Farm was selling other seasonal fruits like strawberries, cherries, blueberries and peaches.