Georgetown Dog Friendly Activities

Georgetown Dog Friendly activities

Georgetown dog friendly activities range from runs along the C&O Canal and the Potomac River to shopping on M Street and sharing a meal at Martin’s Tavern.

Moving with Pets Cross Country

It is hard enough to move yourself and your family but moving with pets is even more difficult! Here are some useful hints from Dr. Nicole Cohen, my favorite vet to help you hold on to your sanity as you make that move.

Put Love in Your Life – Adopt a Dog or Cat!

The Christopher is Pet Friendly

Adopt a dog or cat and put love in your life! I just adopted a standard poodle from a rescue organization and I am feeling the love! There is so much emphasis in February to design the perfect romantic Valentine’s Day. Of course it is fun to sip champagne and eat chocolates, but it’s only an evening. True love is what we all are after – in one form or another. Maybe this is the year to find that true love in the eyes of a rescued pet!

Soothe Your Dog on July 4th

Tips to Soothe Your Dog

Days like the 4th of July are a challenge in our house. My first poodle, Poirot, just didn’t like the sound of the explosions and cracks of thunder or the way the air changes during a storm. It began to get better as he got older because his hearing was not as acute as it … Continued

Pet Friendly Outdoor Restaurants

The Christopher is Pet Friendly

It is so much fun to bring your best four-legged friend to a pet friendly outdoor restaurant! Clearly the DC City Council understands how much we love our pets! In 2017 D.C. City Council members approved a bill allowing establishments to custom tailor policies about welcoming your furry friends. Montgomery County and Northern Virginia jurisdictions are equally … Continued