Downsizing Step 1


Downsizing is a very big step but in fact it is many steps rolled into one that you have to take to get from here to there – and lots of questions that have to be asked and answered. The first question is – where is “there?” Where do you want to when you downsize? Remember the conversation between the Cheshire Cat and Alice? She asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?” The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?” You have to know where you are going to know how to start.

The Best Time to Buy a Home is Next Week!

Pumpkin Spice Comes Earlier and Earlier!

The best time to buy a home is coming soon! Get ready to take advantage of that sweet spot in the real estate market. What makes September 29th to October 5th the best time? Good inventory, lower interest rates, reduced demand, lower prices and an overall slower market make that week a stellar time to buy.

Do Pickleball Courts Have a Starbucks Effect?

Pickleball courts can be fun in downsizing

Do pickleball courts have a Starbucks effect on home values? It is certainly open for debate. Some prospective home buyers are excited to buy homes near pickleball courts, and the game’s popularity has spawned a “pickleball gold rush” in commercial real estate according to Realtor Magazine. Wouldn’t it be fun to live near a pickleball court? Not so fast say current owners living close to pickleball courts!

Bethesda MD Condos Perfect for Downsizing

Bethesda condos perfect for downsizing

Bethesda MD condos perfect for downsizing range from the affordable Promenade with its pickleball courts and indoor pool to the luxury Somerset with its doorman and tennis courts. When choosing a condo to downsize into, you probably want amenities like a pool and fitness center, lots of parking and a friendly community. Here are some Bethesda MD condos to consider when you are ready to downsize!

Keep Your Pet Safe on July 4th in Washington DC

Keep your pet safe on July 4th

Keep your pet safe on July 4th in Washington DC by following these suggestions. Fireworks, barbecues and activities with friends are all staples of the Fourth of July. But for pets and their owners, this holiday which is celebrated all around the Beltway may present some added stress. For some pets, especially dogs and cats with particularly noise-sensitive ears, the sound of fireworks can cause intense fear responses. Some pets will go to extremes to hide while others get startled and run away. Regardless, general anxiety caused by unexpected loud sounds can have long-lasting effects on animals. If you know me at all, you know that I love my standard poodle, Captain, and I worry about all the other dogs and cats out there.

Relocation Specialist’s Top Choices: Bethesda Condos with Pools

Relocation Specialist Recommends Bethesda MD Condos with Pools

Bethesda condos with pools become very popular in the summer because our weather becomes hazy, hot and humid starting in June! On the dog days of summer, is there anything more appealing than the prospect of a dip in the pool? Hanging out at the pool is a great way to relax and a wonderful way to meet your neighbors! If you are relocating to Bethesda or Montgomery County and are considering a condo, you definitely should consider a building with a pool! Here are some of my favorite pools (with condos) in Bethesda. If you want to see any of them, please give me a call at 240-401-5577 or email me at If you are looking for a relocation specialist, we definitely need to connect.

Direction of Rates

Direction of Rates

The direction of rates is of interest to all of us. Are rates going down or are they staying the same? Worst of all would be if they head back up. Low rates benefit homebuyers of course, but they also benefit seniors downsizing because lower rates create a stronger pool of potential buyers.